National Industry Excellence Awards 2023: Gold Award in the Large-Scale Mineral Sector

November 2, 2023




Lanka Minerals & Chemicals Pvt Ltd has been honored with the Gold Award for the Best Company in the Large-Scale Mineral Sector at the National Industry Excellence Awards 2023. This prestigious recognition was done by the Industrial Development Board, and it holds immense significance as it coincides with our 25th anniversary. This remarkable achievement reflects the unwavering dedication of our workforce and the exceptional leadership that has guided our company throughout this incredible journey.

For a quarter of a century, Lanka Minerals & Chemical Pvt Ltd has been at the forefront of the mineral sector. We have strived to provide the highest quality products and services, contributing to the growth and development of the industry. This Gold Award is a testament to our commitment to excellence and the tireless efforts of our entire team.

Leadership plays a pivotal role in the success of any organization, and we are proud to have had visionary leaders who have navigated us through the challenges and opportunities in the mineral sector. Their strategic thinking, forward-looking approach, and commitment to innovation have been the driving forces behind our accomplishments.

However, the heart and soul of our company is our dedicated workforce. Their unwavering commitment, passion, and hard work are the driving forces behind our success. It’s their day-to-day efforts, dedication to quality, and perseverance that have led us to this pinnacle of achievement. Our employees are not just our greatest assets; they are the ones who make Lanka Minerals & Chemical Pvt Ltd the outstanding company it is today.

This recognition reaffirms our commitment to excellence and encourages us to set even higher standards. We are excited about the future and look forward to new challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Thank you to the Industrial Development Board for this honor, and a heartfelt thank you to our exceptional team at Lanka Minerals & Chemical Pvt Ltd for your hard work, dedication, and unwavering support.

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